Friday, 24 April 2009

A Thought for the day

Hello again...
After a long time of silence I am back, and today I thought I could share some thoughts.

It is not easy to understand people but if you can learn to live with them, its one step towards understanding them.

Life is full of surprises, and so are people, there is always something you don't know about those closest to you. So learn to handle surprises because sooner or later you will be the one surprising them.

As it is said in the Holy Bible, "judge not for you will be judged with the same measure that you use on others so will it be applied to you".. wow! It is very easy to judge others but we forget to apply the measures we use for others to ourselves. Try it and let me know if you will be as judgemental as before.

Learn to accept ones mistakes and failures instead of pointing fingers at others and shifting the blame on others. In that way one will find a better side of themselves and learn to take responsibility.

If we could have a choice we could only love those whom we care for and like, but have we for once thought of people who love and care for us even though we dont care or love them.

Learn to appreciate every person for who they are and see the best side of them and not the bad side always. Everyone has a good side no matter how bad they may be.

Have a nice weekend!

Monday, 13 April 2009


Hello dear ones.
I just wanted to wish you all a Happy Easter. I hope you had a blessed time, I did.

All the best and God Bless!