Wednesday, 24 September 2008


Thanks for your comment Dee Dee, it sheds more light to what true friendship is all about.

Today I had some other thoughts which I thought we could share, this thought is also a result of my day to day observations.

Walking around the streets in the city where I find myself in currently, I cant help to notice some people very humbly dressed, with a face reflecting their line of thoughts "NO HOPE". They move around with all they have, they dont have a home, they dont have savings, all they have they carry it with them. To them they take life "a day at a time".

At the same time I cant help to notice those people who have their life going well, everything almost in place, they have a job, a steady income at the end of the month, a home and you can add on to the list. The interesting thing with this group of people is that they live life in plans of "in five years time I will....." or "in ten years time..."

I thought we centre our discussion on the question, which of the two categories of people really live by hope?

It is funny to note that the people who reflect the line "NO HOPE" are the ones who really live by hope, they hope to see the next day, they hope to find food for the day, they hope to meet someone who will smile at them and brighten their day. Even though it seems like all hope is lost in their lives, they still live hoping for a better day.

On the other hand the group which seems to have it all worked out, mostly live with lots of uncertainity. Their lives are filled with the question "what if...." In this case there is nothing like hope all there is is I have to work hard so that the "what if.." I just thought about should not happen.

Life is very interesting these are just two extremes of people but all in all, how do we take life ourselves? I believe no matter what ones status is, we ought to be grateful and thankful for each new day. There are so many things that can happen not even in a day but in a split second which can turn our lives upside down.

I urge you my friends instead of spending time complaining about what we dont have, let us look back at what we have and be thankful for it.

It is always "ONE DAY AT A TIME". We may have five year, 10 year even a 100years plan, but it all takes a day at a time to be accomplished.

I hope to hear your views on life as pertaining to the things discussed above.

All the best.Until next time, remember life is always one day at a time, it can never go any faster or slower!

Sunday, 14 September 2008

The Reason Why!

For the past weeks I have been thinking a lot about the reason why certain things are the way they are. I have been walking in different streets and meeting different people from all walks of life. Some people looked happy, others well dressed and others looked sad and blown down by the winds of life.

This made me ponder a bit on what is the meaning of life and why some people seem to have it good and others not, why others seem to be always on the down side of life while others are soaring high and happy.

These thoughts also led me to think about friendships. I was asking the question who is my friend, how much can I invest in a friendship, and how much can I trust my friend?

Thinking about these questions, I have seen that there are so many unanswered questions in life which everyone tries to address in their own different way that seems right and appropriate. Solutions to these qustions may be good for a certain group of people and not for others.

This led me into thinking of the saying “life is not fair”, is life indeed not fair? Is there something we can do to make it fair?

Are friends really forever, or they are only for a certain period? How can one know who is a true friend? Can one ever have a true friend? Is there anything as a true friend?

I believe there are many different answers that can be given to the different questions I have posed here.

Which ever the case, I think it is possible to have a true friend as long as one is willing to invest in the friendship.

As for the question “is life fair”? Well there are a lot of challenges in our world and in the human mind and eye; it is difficult t say that life is fair.

I would love to hear your views on this topic.

Until next time stay blessed and as you think about yourselves, think about others as well.