Sunday, 14 September 2008

The Reason Why!

For the past weeks I have been thinking a lot about the reason why certain things are the way they are. I have been walking in different streets and meeting different people from all walks of life. Some people looked happy, others well dressed and others looked sad and blown down by the winds of life.

This made me ponder a bit on what is the meaning of life and why some people seem to have it good and others not, why others seem to be always on the down side of life while others are soaring high and happy.

These thoughts also led me to think about friendships. I was asking the question who is my friend, how much can I invest in a friendship, and how much can I trust my friend?

Thinking about these questions, I have seen that there are so many unanswered questions in life which everyone tries to address in their own different way that seems right and appropriate. Solutions to these qustions may be good for a certain group of people and not for others.

This led me into thinking of the saying “life is not fair”, is life indeed not fair? Is there something we can do to make it fair?

Are friends really forever, or they are only for a certain period? How can one know who is a true friend? Can one ever have a true friend? Is there anything as a true friend?

I believe there are many different answers that can be given to the different questions I have posed here.

Which ever the case, I think it is possible to have a true friend as long as one is willing to invest in the friendship.

As for the question “is life fair”? Well there are a lot of challenges in our world and in the human mind and eye; it is difficult t say that life is fair.

I would love to hear your views on this topic.

Until next time stay blessed and as you think about yourselves, think about others as well.


DeeDee said...

Do true friends exist?Yes they do. and how do u know some1 is a true friend, its when you're at your lowest, they pick you up or show u the direction to pick you up and dont expect you to pay them back. Its when there's such a level of trust, its more blindly. You will fight, but you do talk about it and work it out!when they've upset you, you dont bare the grudge, you dont throw back the good deeds you've done for them in their faces...i guess its being each others book-ends..they're like your family or even better sometimes!!!
I am blessed to have some great friends who have seen me cry, laugh and excel...they're there for me as much as m there for them..we dont even track who calls who most..i have been betrayed by one who thought was a true friend and but that doesnt deter me from trusting my other rocks!!
love ur blog by the way!!xoxo

Joe Mlenga said...

Ena amati true friend ndi amene amakukondabe ngakhale aone zofooka zako, komanso ine ndimakhulupilila kuti uyu ndiye bwenzi lenileni panthawi ngati wandichengeta pamene zinthu zathina koopsa, kaya matenda, maliro, kukhumudwa, kushorta, ndi mikwingwilima ina yosinasiyana. Ambiri saoneka nthawi yowawa ngati imeneyi. Mzako weniweni ayeneranso kudzipeleka, kukuika patsogolo ngakhale zili zowawa kutero!