Friday 20 March 2009


This morning as I was going to work, I saw this man in his sixties. He was dressed up in a military uniform complete with a hat. He had this bright, straight from the heart smile and you could see how proud he was of his uniform. When he started walking, I noticed he had a limp. This led me thinking of how he got that limp.Well I don't know how this man got his limp but I am sure he has a story to tell.

Its interesting with the human body that every time you get hurt, lets say you get a cut or a broken bone, or any injury on the body when it heals you always have a scar. Each scar always has a story, most of the times painful stories. But as I said in my previuos post when one lives to tell a story on their scar or scars that means they have healed.

You know apart from the scars that are visible, that is the ones on the body, there are even much bigger scars that we carry which may be no-one knows about. These scars are from painful memories when we were hurt by the people we love (d) and trust (ed). Could be our famillies, friends, partner, the list is endless. These scars run so deep that at times they change our whole life. The way we view life, the way we view people, the way we view society even the way we view the world. These scars take a long time to heal because unlike the wounds on the body that can be treated at home or at the hospital, a wounded heart, no one will know until the victim opens up to tell the story. As such most of these wounds in the heart, they create such a big scar because they take the longest time to heal.

I dont know what wounds you have or what scars you carry with you, I can not say I can even begin to understand or imagine how much pain you have endured from that scar, but all I can say is tell the story of that scar. Let it out, if you cant tell anyone then just tell it to yourself once more and let it go. You will be amazed at what you managed to go through, how strong a fight you put up, and just how strong willed you are that you were able to overcome and live to see this day.

The bible says that there is no temptation that comes to man that can not be overcome, you can never be tempted beyond what you can bear or manage. Have faith and beleive that God is by your side and is with you all the time.

The scars in your life can be an encouragement to someone. Think about it, if you can, tell the story of your scars.

All the best!

1 comment:

Acacia said...

i agree - great post - very important to tell the story of your scars. its exactly what i was trying to get across in my own writing 'walking wounded'