Thursday 21 January 2010


I was sitting and having a round table chat with a couple of friends and we found ourselves talking about annoying things that happen when you are asleep.  I am sure many of you already have your thoughts wandering trying to pinpoint what could be so annoying when you are asleep.

I thought I list out a few of the annoying stuff which I found pretty fascinating. If you are a light sleeper the howling of dogs in the middle of the night can be quite a put off and a good wake up call. But this can not be compared to have a furry thing right in your face when you don't have a cat in your own house, yes I was reffering to a stray cat when I said a furry thing.

In places where we have guards at night there is nothing more annoying that hearing your guard and that of your neighbour cracking jokes at 3am in the morning. Its kind of good in a way because you know that they are awake and hopefully keeping watch and not sleeping, but I dont think its amusing for the one who is trying to enjoy their morning sleep.

Finally our African natural alarm, the cockrel, there is nothing that can drive your sleep away earlier than it came than a cock crowing at 2am and every 15minutes until dawn. And if you have several in the neighbourhood you will surely be awake on time. 

I am sure you have your own experiences, please share them if you are willing. I am sure we would love to share in the laughter.

Enjoy a peaceful sleep.


ndagha said...

Neighbour waking you up to help chase thieves.

Then snoring

Someone crying out loud even walking around in the house yet they tell you they never did that.

In college, someone came into my room straight to my bed thinking it was his room-he was drunk.

Alick Mjuma Nyasulu said...

Fings, I guess for the rooster, you probbaly need to know where those birds are bought from. Someone remarked that if you get a rooster from the village, they often mistake the lights in town for daylight and start the noise!!!

And now if you live in Lilongwe, you cannot avoid the whistle by anyamata a mfumu at night announcing death in the nebahood and reminding you, "maliro nkulirana, mawa ndinu" and then a knock on the door at 2am asking for ufa, nkhuni or some cash....