Wednesday 23 March 2011


There comes a time in life when starting afresh really means starting all over again.

When I wrote the previous entry on starting afresh, I highlighted a few points but today I wanted to talk about starting afresh on our mindsets or simply resetting our minds.
When we move to a different time zone, we always have to reset our clocks to the actual time in the new zone otherwise we will lose track of time and will not be in sync with everyone else. The same thing applies in life, our minds need resetting whenever we find ourselves in a different environment or situation.

It is a bit weird when you think of it but actually its very true that the human mind has the capacity to adjust itself to the environment it has been or is being exposed to. For example if we take someone who has been imprisoned for a couple of years and then is released back to the outside world, they need to adjust from the life of being a prisoner to that of a free man. In prison , the person had to develop a different mindset to survive the environment, the same is needed for him/her to survive the outside world. Can you imagine what would happen to this freed prisoner if he/she does not adjust his/her mindset to that of a freed man? He will be a prisoner of himself, his mind will still keep him in prison even though physically he is no longer there.

Many are the times we find ourselves in a new environment, new situations, new positions, new relationships the list is endless and yet we still cling on to our old mind set. We find ourselves not adjusting to our new environment. I am not saying that you should change your principle but accepting your new situation, embracing it and accepting it. In this way we are able to learn more of our new environment. Many are the times we fail to adjust to situations because of denial hence we find ourselves clinging on to things that will not help us forge ahead in life. We keep on saying I was so and so, I used to do this and that, how about now, who are you, what are you doing with your life?

We have one lifetime split in so many different portions, let us make sure that we learn something and make use of each portion of our life so that when we add them up, we will look back and say "Thank You Lord for the Days of My life".

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