Monday, 26 January 2009


Yesterday I managed to find myself enjoying a great dinner with a company of friends.
Several things happened at this dinner that challenged me and caused my mind to get to work.

The first thing that set me thinking was when the couple that invited us out to the dinner said that "you are our friends and we thought we could treat you to a dinner in a nice restaurant". I did not know that that's how this couple felt about me. They considered me a friend even though we only interacted a few times at church, I was humbled.

Then I started thinking how many people love and care for us that we don't even know about? Is it possible that there are people whom we ignore and yet they could be the very people that love and care for us the most? How can one tell? I thought of how many people could be hurt by our actions when we do not pay attention to them and yet in their hearts they consider us as friends but we don't realize it. Life is interesting.

The second thing that set me thinking was one of the conversations that we had around the table. I don't know how many of you are familiar with the Durian fruit, it is a fruit from Southeast Asia which is famous for its strong odor and great taste. You can read more from Google about the Durian fruit. So the story was centered at how bad a smell this fruit has and yet its insides are so delicious. The Durian fruit has a very rough coat of thorns which cover the outside of the fruit and a soft and fleshy inside with amazing taste.

This sent me thinking about the people we interact with in our day to day lives. Some of them have the best looks outside that everyone thinks they are very nice people characterwise on the other hand you have people with scary looks and difficult to approach and everyone would associate them with being terrible characterwise.
And yet the opposite could be true most of the times. The story of the Durian fruit made me think that there are people who could be the sweetest and kind people behind the scary mask and at the same time there are also people who could be the inside out of the Durian fruit. What I mean is that there could be people who are sweet in appearance but they could be the most terrible people you could ever meet and vice versa.

As the saying goes "you can't judge a book by its cover", I hereby agree that may be we could consider learning and knowing people more before we judge them.

Try it, you will be amazed at what lies within!

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