Tuesday, 1 July 2008


Hello friends

I know its been´a while since I wrote something on my blog, but I am back now.
Today I thought we discuss the topic "Welcome new beginnings!"

I know some of you are already having millions of questions in your minds, "what is Nya mphande trying to say?"

Well remember in my last entry I wrote about " when all seems lost", well, when that happens it is important for one to look at the bright side of life and that's where todays entry comes in.

I spent the month of June thinking about a lot of things that were happening around me, and all that I could hear in my head was "welcome new begginings!"
Yes it is important to face circumstances in life and also to accept changes that happen in life.

Sometimes we spend time "crying over spilled milk" which can never be recovered. It is important and very crucial to know that after "crying over that spilled milk" we have to pick ourselves up and either fetch for another cup of milk or accept the fact that we dont have any more milk. What am I trying to say here, no matter what you are going through, whatever the circumstances, know that there is always another chance of starting all over again, a chance for a new beginning.

My dear friends let us not deny ourselves this chance by clinging on to what used to be (spilled milk), let us move on and see what we can achieve now in whatever circumstances were in.
It is always my joy to share with you.
I hope you get a fresh start, a NEW BEGINNING!

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